Thursday, October 1, 2009

learnin' an growin' an growin' and learnin'

we've been learnin'
*how to climb the rails of the pipe fence around the pasture...
(probably not a skill you should encourage a 15 month old to perfect, but he is so excited to do it)
*how to slurp spaghetti...
(he spits it out instead of slurping it up, but he thinks its really funny when momma does it)
*how to tinkle on the potty...

*how to go down the slide by himself like a big boy...
*how to sign "please" and "thank you"...
(and finally sign "more" correctly)

*how to spit acorns across the drive...
(should he already be involved in spitting contests? it that a boy gene they are born with?)

1 comment:

Cheaannette said...

O my gosh my baby is getting so big. He looks like daddy!!